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Comet Neowise

Comet Neowise (C/2020 F3) under the Great Bear (Ursa Major) on July 20, 2020 at 10:15 p.m. EDT. The comet was about 104.3 million km away and traveling outward from the Sun at about 231,000 km/h, headed up and to the left.

This photo was taken from a bright suburban site. High humidity and local light pollution obscured the Milky Way overhead and I could only barely glimpse Comet Neowise using averted vision. Binoculars revealed more of the dust tail (on the comet's right) but did not show the faint, blue, ion tail (on the comet's left). This multiple-exposure, wide-angle image was taken at a reservoir not far from my house looking over top of the dam to the northwest.

The Great Bear constellation, which contains the "Big Dipper" asterism, is shown marked below. A more detailed view of the comet is also below.

Sixteen 4-second exposures at ISO 3200 with a 105mm lens at f4 plus two 15-second exposures at ISO 1600 with a 24mm lens at f4 using a Canon 5D III on a fixed tripod on 2020-07-20. © 2020

Comet Neowise

The Great Bear constellation, which contains the "Big Dipper" asterism, is marked on the image shown above.

Comet Neowise detail

Comet Neowise (C/2020 F3) on July 20, 2020 at 10:19 p.m. EDT from a bright suburban location.

Sixteen 4-second exposures at ISO 3200 with a 105mm lens at f4 using a Canon 5D III on a fixed tripod on 2020-07-20. © 2020

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